Sunday, May 11, 2008


Saturday, May 12, 2008, at the LaBelle theatre in South Charleston--what an event.

It was the world premier of THE WIDEN PROJECT, and this beautiful antique theatre, which is itelf a museum piece, was filled to near capacity with frolk from all over to enjoy this once n a lifetime event.

It was a stellar crowd and an evening to be remembered,
The companion comany owned towns of Widen, Swandale, and Dundon were all represented, and for those in attendance, the movie just served to refresh many memories, as the real days of that age will never be forgotten.
However, there were many aspects of the movie that were so disturbing that further consideration has caused many second thoughts about the movie and our support of it.
The B, C, and G railroad project was refreshed in the minds of one and all, and new and welcome support was expressed and forthcoming.

2008--it's great.

let's all work to be sure that it continues to be great.

and, here is a picture of the now beautiful Buffalo Creek to remind us of how great it is.