Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Board meeeting, june 17, 2008

Tuesday, June 17, the J.G. Bradley campground Lodge was the site of a meeting of the B, C, and G, co-op officers.
We already have pictures of the officers at work, so here are some pictures of actual work being done on the buildings.

The small building is being repainted, and these pictures show Carl Wilson, his wife Lois, and Wilma Ramsey wielding the paint rollers, changing the interior from wood chip to white.

Also, workmen on the lodge itself, working on the exterior of the building.
Inside, work is ongoing on a number of items, including installing ceiling fans. Leonard Loving was on hand to do some wiring work on that job.
Lots of work yet to be done and volunteers appreciated.
Oh! yes, pretty soon the window display will be up in the store window at Nancy's flower shop. Be sure to look for it.