Sunday, October 5, 2008

more october 4 meeting notes

Treasurer connie lupardus reported that our income taxes have now been filed, and we should be on track there.

We are getting more and more interest in using the building for a variety of activities, so work will proceed to phase in more opportunities.

Connie also reported on the status of the railroad negotiations. at the present time, the coal company is considering whether or not they want to renovate the track and use it to haul coal. once their decision is finalized, then we can expect a resolution as to the co-op usage.

The bottom photo here shows Bob Johnson and his wife among others. Bob is the grandson of Tom Graham, and is just completing a book on Whetstone.
the top photo is a view of part of the attendees, and i can't identify all of them from the picture.
vote was taken to change the time of the next meeting to 10:00 a.m. and it will be on January 3, 2009.
be sure to mark your calendar.