Sunday, November 9, 2008


Fall brings its own beauty to our great West Virginia Hills, and the view at the J.G. Bradley Campground has certainly been no exception this fall. But, the view is changing.
Lots of activity has been, and will be, taking place. Engineering studies are now complete for a sewer system, and bids will shortly be taken for construction. It is anticipated that a sewage system will be in place sometime in late January or early February. This is a really important development, since it now makes possible the completion of other facilities.
In other matters, a new campground brochure has now been drawn up, printed and distributed throughout the state, and shortly will be distributed even further.
Thanks to the efforts of Bill Carr, the brochure will be placed in all the W.VA. welcome centers throughout the state.
The brochures refer to Caboose Camping as "Coming Soon".
It now appears that the Cabooses will be able to be set up very soon. Roger Nutter and crew have prepared the site where they will be located, and as soon as we can get the crane up there, which is expected to be soon, they will be put on site.
The state tourist folks are very interested in caboose camping, and really want to promote it, as soon as we are ready.
Another Biggie--now that the election is over, maybe attention can now be given to our grant requests, and perhaps something will begin to flow from those promises that we have been given.
So, lots of activity has been going on, and will continue to be. Feel free to some by and visit anytime.